Awards & Scholarships

Regular Membership          

Regular membership is open to professionals in medical, behavioral, scientific and related fields concerned with the treatment and study of psychosomatic processes in health and disease and who are qualified representatives of their respective disciplines. Regular members will normally hold the highest degree appropriate to their field. Evidence of noteworthy contributions to psychosomatic medicine or a comparable level of professional achievement will be acceptable in lieu of these requirements. Annual dues are $190, which include a subscription to the Journal. Applicants must be recommended in writing by one regular or emeritus member.

Associate Membership

Associate Membership is open to students and trainees in medical, behavioral, and related fields concerned with the treatment and study of psychosomatic processes in health and disease who are enrolled in baccalaureate or post baccalaureate training. They have all rights and privileges of regular members with the exception of holding office. Annual dues are set at a reduced rate of $60, and include a subscription to the Journal Psychosomatic Medicine. Applications must include verification in writing from a faculty advisor testifying to the applicant's trainee status and interest in psychosomatic medicine.

Click here to find out more about student opportunities through APS.

Emeritus Membership

Emeritus Membership shall be granted upon request of the member to individuals with at least 15 years of regular membership in the Society, and upon reaching either the age of 70 or retirement. Dues are waived while still receiving all benefits of regular membership.

Corresponding Membership

Corresponding membership may be extended to professionals who meet the criteria for regular membership and also reside in developing countries. Applicants must be recommended in writing by one regular or emeritus member. Corresponding members pay reduced, or no, dues as set by the Council. A Journal subscription is available at the reduced rate of $50.

Membership Benefits and Application

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Member Benefits

The mission of the American Psychosomatic Society is to promote and advance the scientific understanding and multidisciplinary integration of biological, psychological, behavioral and social factors in human health and disease, and to foster the dissemination and application of this understanding in education and health care.

Membership in the Society includes specialists from all medical and health-related disciplines, the behavioral sciences and social sciences. There are four categories of membership: Regular, Associate, Emeritus and Corresponding.

How to Apply:

Completed applications should be submitted to the APS office, and must include one sponsoring signature, a curriculum vitae and prepayment of dues. If applying for Associate membership, please provide a letter from your department chair or faculty advisor testifying to your interest in psychosomatic medicine and to your student status.

Membership benefits include:

* Print and online copies of the APS journal, Psychosomatic Medicine
* Reduced registration fees for the APS Annual Meeting.
* Networking opportunities with other professionals in the field.
* Newsletter (3 times a year) and e-newsletter communications (3 times a year).
* Dynamic national Council comprised of leaders in the field who have set an aggressive agenda for our future.
* Opportunity to participate in committees.
* eligibility (depending on age and experience) for Herbert Weiner Early Career Award for contributions to psychosomatic medicine.
* APS Awards programs for students and trainees enrolled in medical, graduate or undergraduate school, or in residency, internship, or post-doctoral fellowship programs, and from developing countries.
* Opportunity to organize, and receive funding for, a Psychosomatic Medicine Interest Group.
* On-line Membership Directory of professionals throughout the world.

Membership fees:

Regular ~ $190/year
Associate ~ $60/per year
Emeritus ~ no charge with proof of status
Corresponding ~ no charge with proof of status

Member Application

Please download the membership application form and submit via mail or fax to APS along with the sponsoring signature, your CV and dues payment. If you are applying for Associate membership, please also provide a letter from your department chair or faculty advisor testifying to your interest in psychosomatic medicine and to your student status.