Society for Occupational and Environmental Health
An International Society 


International Conference on
Pesticide Exposure and Health

July 8 - 12, 2002

NIH, Natcher Conference Center
Bethesda, MD USA

This conference will deal with health issues relating to pesticide exposure in the home, school, worksite and in public health situations. The goal is to bring together occupational and environmental health researchers, educators, health care providers and related specialists in order to exchange up-to-date information, foster collaborations, and create a forum for addressing some of the problems that exist.

The general conference will be three-days (Monday, July 8 through Wednesday, July 10) featuring a keynote speaker, oral and poster presentations, and panel discussions. A two-day (Thursday, July 11 and Friday, July 12) workshop will be held on medical guidelines for health care providers. These guidelines will address chronic health effects attributed to pesticides and medical monitoring for workers exposed to pesticides.

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